Saturday, November 8, 2008

Games of 4A

Ah, I think it is time for a bit of history.

What makes 4A so unique, besides the humans, the mad pile of homework which no other class has, and the crazy class teacher (Yes, B-*oops*Doris)?

Simple. We are the only ones that make our own games.

Here's the list of games:
1. Paper ball

What you need:
Paper (especially test paper)

Smash the paper into one big ball and you are all set! (Tip: The more you have, the more the fun!)
From left to right: Bio, Physics, Chemistry

Things you can do:
1. Bug people
2. Bully the teacher (but be careful!)
3. Smash people in the face.

2. Rubber band shootout
What you need:
Rubber bands (Obtain them from the class dealers, the XS, Mister Chee, or the useless monitor or rob them from the bilik perperiksaan or the library yourself)

(So far, the dealer with the best quality wares is the XS, but hurry, stocks are limitted!)
Bilik peperiksaan-grade crap, slick and difficult to shoot. Also way to thin to last.
Library-grade, best you can get in school (It also comes in 4 colurs!)
String it up to your thumb or index finger and start shooting! Combine for a chain-whip shot.

What you can do:
1. Be the class Punisher (Pain for all!)
2. Try to earn the rep as the best marksman in the class (the record: 1.5m headshot by Bobo stealthshoota')
3. Never, NEVER shoot the Doris or you'll die.
Haha. That's all for now.

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